Third times the charm!
Surprisingly, we made it to our third update! Thanks to all of you, Plan Together keeps growing even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Open and interactive discussion/planning has clearly struck a chord. I was even a guest on a Strong Towns podcast (More on that below).
As more cities around the world are looking to alter their landscapes to enable social distancing and walking/biking, I think this is a tremendous opportunity to encourage the use of Plan Together to make sure these changes serve the community and make our public spaces better. … »
Hello again!
We made it to our second update! It’s been just over a month since I opened Plan Together to the public. Thousands of people have accessed the platform and hundreds of items and comments have been added to the map. Most importantly, a community of engaged citizens is starting to emerge. People care about their cities and towns. It’s very exciting!
On a more somber note, the world is going through a tough time right now. … »
It’s been just over a month since I opened Plan Together to the public. Thousands of people have accessed the platform and hundreds of items and comments have been added to the map. Most importantly, a community of engaged citizens is starting to emerge. People care about their cities and towns. It’s very exciting!
All this activity and feedback has kept me motivated to keep adding to the software platform itself. … »